EPISODE 33: Normcore Undies, H&M’s Military Fashion Mistake, Letting Go of Envy. This week on the Pop Fashion podcast - a new wearable tech item will shock you into perfect posture, H&M’s jumpsuit makes Kurdish soldiers angry, Martha Stewart…

EPISODE 33: Normcore Undies, H&M’s Military Fashion Mistake, Letting Go of Envy. This week on the Pop Fashion podcast - a new wearable tech item will shock you into perfect posture, H&M’s jumpsuit makes Kurdish soldiers angry, Martha Stewart continues to throw shade (via magazine) at Gwyneth Paltrow, and Glamour magazine releases information from a body image study. In other news, we talk about the connection between the Los Angeles fashion district, money laundering, and the Mexican drug cartel (ish just got real). Our main topic is about envy.

Get on it, kids. Happy Friday.