Episode 38: The one filled to the brim with fashion news and such.
China’s Alibaba created a new holiday to celebrate single people, Cambodia raised the minimum wage for garment workers, FIT students developed a DIY natural dye garden, Vogue k…

Episode 38: The one filled to the brim with fashion news and such.

China’s Alibaba created a new holiday to celebrate single people, Cambodia raised the minimum wage for garment workers, FIT students developed a DIY natural dye garden, Vogue killed it with a fab photoshoot, and a shoe store opened a brick and mortar that doesn’t sell shoes. In other news, will it be a year without Santa? A labor dispute on the west coast threatens to slow down the holiday retail season. Our main topic is all about sleep! Do you have trouble sleeping? Are you always tired? Well, you are in good company! Kaarin and Lisa relay personal stories about their sleeping patterns and talk about the connection between sleep and business.


The Two Kinds of Tired

This week we talked a lot about this old WSJ article, The Sleepless Elite. We agreed that some of the reasons we’re so damn tired are rising expectations of productivity and the new norm of being endlessly BUSY. 

One of the things I totally forgot to talk about when we recorded is the difference in being physically tired and emotionally tired. These two types often occur together: like when you just got off that project with the crazy deadline and you finally have a day off. You might need a day to just sleep for your mind and body to both recover.

But sometimes they don’t happen together. There are nights when my body is exhausted, but my mind is racing. There are days when I know I don’t have time to slow down, but I admit that I’m just feeling weary. On the inside. Just hopelessly and helplessly tired. 

It’s easy to admit when you’re physically tired. It’s harder to admit when your heart is worn down.

And this concludes some deep thoughts from Lisa. xo.